Current reports A A A

Report no. Date of publication Report Title
16/2011 14-02-2011 13:40 Izostal S.A. exceeds the threshold of 10% of equity by realization of orders and contracts with Arcelor Mittal Tubular Products Ostrava.
15/2011 10-02-2011 12:26 Correction in the financial results forecasts of Izostal S.A. for 2010
14/2011 08-02-2011 09:42 Registration with KDPW of 12,000,000 (twelve million) of ordinary bearer shares, K series, of the company Izostal S.A. and marking them with the code PLIZSTL00015.
13/2011 04-02-2011 14:50 BPH TFI SA's exceeds 5% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of Izostal S.A.
12/2011 01-02-2011 11:00 Reduction in the share of Stalprofil S.A. in the total number of shares in the General Meeting of Izostal S.A.
11/2011 31-01-2011 12:22 Registration of an increase in the share capital of Izostal S.A. as a result of the issue of K series shares and change in the Company Articles.
10/2011 28-01-2011 09:11 10% threshold of Izostal S.A. equity exceeded due to the fulfillment of orders and contracts with Ferrum S.A.
9/2011 26-01-2011 14:59 Signing a frame contract with GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. for the supply of steel pipes coated on the outside and painted inside.
8/2011 21-01-2011 10:22 Aviva Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny Aviva BZ WBK exceeded 5% of the general number of votes at the Company's General Meeting.
7/2011 20-01-2011 13:33 Fixed dates of submitting periodic reports of Company Izostal S.A. in financial year 2011
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