Basic financial ratios A A A

Basic financial ratios of Izostal S.A.

  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
EBITDA margin (EBITDA / sales revenues) 5,53% 3,15% 3,07% 3,09% 2,95%
Operating profitability(operating profit/sales revenues) 4,30% 2,48% 2,10% 2,23% 2,05%
ROE (net profit in the period/equity at the end of the period) 4,29% 6,94% 6,73% 6,34% 6,06%
Debt to equity ratio (total liabilities to total equity) 99,60% 184,30% 211,5% 149,0% 149,4%
Current ratio (working assets to total current liabilities at the end of the period) 1,35 1,17 1,16 1,22 1,25


Basic financial ratios of Izostal S.A. Capital Group

  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
EBITDA margin (EBITDA / sales revenues) 5,58% 3,56% 3,47% 3,46% 3,08%
Operating profitability(operating profit/sales revenues) 4,14% 2,77% 2,36% 2,45% 2,09%
ROE (net profit in the period/equity at the end of the period) 4,74% 9,22% 8,24% 7,21% 6,55%
Debt to equity ratio (total liabilities to total equity) 103,00% 184,30% 219,8% 156,6% 170,3%
Current ratio (working assets to total current liabilities at the end of the period) 1,38 1,2 1,18 1,23 1,24


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Opolska 29, 47-113 Kolonowskie, Poland Fax +48 77 405 65 01
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